The Great Resignation is here and it is real. There has been a mass exodus of people from the workforce and this trend is likely to continue. According to the Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022 which surveyed 52,000 workers in 44 countries, 35% of the respondents are looking to leave their jobs in the next twelve months. Over the last few months, millions of employees from the American workforce have quit with resignations being the highest in the tech and healthcare industries.

Digital networks have made it easier for people to reach out to their network and look for jobs they desire. With the cost of employee turnover amounting to $26,511 annually, organizations have to look at sustainable solutions to tide over this trend.

Other reports reveal that the talent shortage in the tech landscape is set to become more acute. Surveys reveal that a sweeping 72% of employees working in tech/IT roles will quit their jobs or explore other jobs by the end of 2022.

Another report shows that this talent shortage left unchecked could result in $8.5 trillion in unrealized annual revenues by 2030.

Organizations have to look at their company culture, workplace benefits, and internal policies to see if these are aligned with the demands of the workforce. They also have to focus on upskilling and reskilling initiatives to navigate the skills gap. Revisiting salaries and perks will also be crucial to winning the talent wars.

However, presently it seems like the tech talent wars have no end in sight. In this situation, turning to staffing companies to meet hiring and talent demands is a smart decision. Staffing companies can help enterprises do a great deal of heavy lifting. Here are a few ways that enterprises can leverage staffing companies in the wake of the Great Resignation

Recruit contingent workers

Enterprises can access a large contingent workforce leveraging staffing companies. In the midst of growing talent gaps and high attrition, this contingent workforce can plug the productivity leaks and ensure the continuity of existing projects.

Contingent workers from a staffing company become an extension of the internal workforce without any of the strings attached. This workforce can be scaled up or down according to the need of the project or the organization.

Contingent workers can be hired on a skill-specific basis and bring tremendous agility to organizations. Having access to good, skilled, dependable, reliable, and high-performing contingent workers can help enterprises reach their business goals, boost organizational resilience, and reduce risks even in uncertain times.

Contingent workers help HR and recruitment teams adjust staffing levels quickly and with great flexibility and make sure projects do not derail owing to lacking talent.

Access specialized skills

The talent gap in tech is only widening as new-age technologies become mainstream. Skilled talent is in short supply but technology applications are opening up new revenue opportunities and business models. Delays in hiring, onboarding, and getting the talent up and running can lead to missed opportunities.

In a market where technology evolves and changes at the speed of light, accessing the right talent and specialized skills at the right time becomes crucial for success. After all, to leverage the law of the first, you have to be the first in the market.

Staffing companies become a boon and provide enterprises access to specialized skills and resources. These resources operate as the extension of their internal teams and help organizations stay on their desired path of tech exploration.

Progress towards DEI goals

Many employees left their organizations as they felt that their companies were not focused on value-driven goals. DEI initiatives have become very important to the workforce today and they demand organizations to demonstrate not only intent but walk the talk when it comes to these.

DEI hiring in tech can become challenging as accessing the right talent while accounting for the DEI measures can often feel like a double-edged sword. Staffing companies can help enterprises navigate this challenge and help them push their DEI initiatives by providing access to a wider and more varied talent pool.

Staffing companies widen the scale and scope of the talent search and allow enterprises to connect with talent from different backgrounds than what the corporate hiring channels cater to.

Quality assurance

Good, experienced, and reliable staffing companies give enterprises quick access to skilled and specialized talent. The well-established players have ever-expanding talent pools that are created after a rigorous recruitment process. Skills and background checks, detailed assessments, and experience evaluations are conducted by the staffing company and can be provided for verification.

With a verified talent pool at their disposal, staffing companies emerge as the perfect solution to tide over trends like the Great Resignation.

Leveraging staffing companies presents a huge cost advantage since organizations can find talent to fit their open positions without investing in time-consuming and effort-intensive recruitment procedures.

Recruiting candidates for open technology positions is faster, easier, and much more cost-effective when using a professional staffing service. Tech and IT industries also have the shortest employee tenure of approximately about 3 years). Attempting to find the best candidates to fill open positions can be overwhelming especially with trends like the Great Resignation to worry over. Professional staffing companies help in decreasing turnover and deliver greater candidate accountability and effectively broaden the candidate pool. Since all candidates are thoroughly evaluated, leveraging staffing companies help enterprises avoid costly hiring mistakes.

These resources are also ready to hit the ground running, thereby reducing the onboarding load. Staffing companies also reduce the stress of hiring by eliminating surprise elements. You only interview pre-selected and most qualified candidates for the position. No more spending time interviewing unqualified candidates or searching for the appropriate individuals – a good staffing company will do all the heavy lifting and present an employee ready to get the ball rolling.